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Tap Water in Australia

Australian Drinking Water some things to consider before you drink from the tap Posted by David Jamieson on May 14, 2015 What is in Australian Drinking Water? Water quality monitoring takes place before the water reaches your home, with the exception of the occasional...

Why use a water filter in Australia?

Why Use a Water Filter in Australia? Posted by David Jamieson on October 08, 2015 Water Filters Australia Why Use a Water Filter in Australia? This is a very common question that I am asked when I am out and about and tell people that I sell and install water...

Do water filters remove fluoride?

Do Water Filters Remove Fluoride? There are only three methods that we are aware of to remove fluoride from the water supply, they are the use of an activated alumina cartridge, reverse osmosis or distillation. 1. Activated Alumina Of all the methods of removing...