NEWS & Resources
Water Filtration
ClEAR Choice water knowledge base
learn about water filters
We have put together a comprehensive knowledge base regarding the most frequent questions that we receive such as what is the best water filter or do water filters remove fluoride. If there are any questions that you cannot find here please feel free to contact us and we will answer your questions as soon as is practicable.
Reverse osmosis and water filters how many stages
How many stages do I need my water filter to have, what is the difference between a three stage reverse osmosis system and a four, five, six or even seven stage reverse osmosis system? This is a common question that we hear regularly there are many systems available,...
Facts about drinking water
Facts about Water A good place to start when considering which water filtration system is the right choice for you is to learn about what is factual with regards to the water supply coming to your home. FACTS regarding Disinfection by Products (DBP's) The town water...
Chloramines in drinking water
What are chloramines and what are they doing in our water supply? Chloramines or monochloramines are formed by adding Ammonia to the drinking water supply, the ammonia reacts with the chlorine that is already in the drinking water and monochloramine is formed. Each...
Best Water Filter Advice (updated 2020)
What is the best water filter jug? Pros: Inexpensive to buy, convenient and easy to use. Depending on manufacturer the jug can remove anything from just chlorine right up to fluoride reduction, using a mixture of activated carbon, activated alumina and ion exchange...
How to videos
Learn how to service, repair and maintain your water filtration system
How to install half inch coupling